Cover: Mike "MEZ" Phillips and John Anderson Writer: Joseph A. Michael Pencils: Mike "MEZ" Phillips Inks: Michael Watkins Colors: John Anderson Letters: Kenny Keen SANITARIUM This is the story of the dreams and reality of one man clashing together. A 20 year resident of the Oarthman Institute For The Mentally Unstable, Jayme Spire was the only witness to a massacre that took the lives of his family as well as the ones who slain them. Since that night Jayme has only been able to verbally communicate with the words No More. Most believe this to be his way of dealing with his grief but in actuality it is his vengeance. His ability to project his consciousness away from his body and reconstitute it in the form of an unnamed hooded vigilante that has no sense of control.In his time at the institute his treatments by Dr. Redd, could be called boardline torture. His only saving grace is a young nurse, Rosalyn Khan, who has been watching over him in the hopes of being able to connect with him and maybe someday be able to show Jayme what today's world has to offer.
This is the first new title released from Highburn Studios in nearly 15 years and we are super excited to share the story of Jayme as it unfolds. Below are the first four pages of issue 1, enjoy.
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